The lawyer Isakhan Ashurov met in jail with his client, the blogger Adnan Hajizade. Hajizade did not complain of conditions he is kept in, Ashurov said. At the same time Ashurov expressed indignation with the course of Preparatory trial which took place on September 4 and did not consider a number of principal appeals, in particular the appeal to attach video-images about the incident which took place in Lebanese restaurant and everything that had taken place is clearly seen. The court rejected the appeal to send an enquiry of Azercell Mobile Operator for getting hardcopy of telephone conversations of the participants of incident prior and after the fight.
Emin Milli and Adnan Hajizade are accused of beating of three people, and they can be arrested for five years under the Article 127 (causing of less grave body injures) and the Article 221 (hooliganism.) Incident took place at Lebanese restaurant, but in fact the bloggers Hajizade and Milli were attacked. After they appealed to police against the hooligans, they were arrested as instigators of fight. Real reason for the arrest of bloggers became a satirical video-reel placed by Milli and Hajizade in Internet.
Trial on the case is planned for September 16.
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The lawyer Isakhan Ashurov met in jail with his client, the blogger Adnan Hajizade. Hajizade did not complain of conditions he is kept in, Ashurov said. At the same time Ashurov expressed indignation with the course of Preparatory trial which took place on September 4 and did not consider a number of principal appeals, in particular the appeal to attach video-images about the incident which took place in Lebanese restaurant and everything that had taken place is clearly seen. The court rejected the appeal to send an enquiry of Azercell Mobile Operator for getting hardcopy of telephone conversations of the participants of incident prior and after the fight.
Emin Milli and Adnan Hajizade are accused of beating of three people, and they can be arrested for five years under the Article 127 (causing of less grave body injures) and the Article 221 (hooliganism.) Incident took place at Lebanese restaurant, but in fact the bloggers Hajizade and Milli were attacked. After they appealed to police against the hooligans, they were arrested as instigators of fight. Real reason for the arrest of bloggers became a satirical video-reel placed by Milli and Hajizade in Internet.
Trial on the case is planned for September 16.
To see original article click here
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